Professional Pet Grooming for all breeds of dogs and cats.
HydroSurge Bath*
Quality Shampoo & Conditioner
Anal Gland Expression (if requested)
Hand Blow-Drying
Complete Brush Out
Nail Trim (walk-ins welcome)
Ear Cleaning
Hand Scissoring (if breed required)
Tender Loving Care
Potty Breaks (in our secure fenced yard)
*The HydroSurge Animal Bathing System is a state-of-the-art development in professional bathing for dogs and cats. This unique system produces a combing action spray of shampoo and water through a hand held massage sprayer. The gentle bathing solution penetrates through the coat for a thorough cleaning and relaxing massage while removing loose hair, dead skin, fleas and other debris for the healthiest skin possible.
Pets love the massage-like treatment of the HydroSurge!
Other Services
Medicated Bath
Hand Stripping
All prices may vary depending on condition of coat and temperament of pet.
Pets that are difficult to handle can be examined by a doctor and then sedated or anesthetized at Woodland Veterinary Hospital.
Elaine is a Graduate of Pacific Pet Grooming Institute